Archive for the ‘Neoliberalism’ Category

‘…and the weak suffer what they must’?


If we recall that oft-quoted observation attributed to Thucydides, ‘The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must’, the question arises whether that is the ‘natural order’ or whether ‘the weak’, in their increasing abundance in the midst of a surge in obscene wealth, are distracted into acquiescence or indifference. Curiously, that strategy of distraction seems to work mainly in the ‘advanced countries’ – aside the indigenous. (more…)

‘Make the economy scream!’


That immortal statement by the US President Nixon. Back then the intended target was President Salvador Allende of Chile and his government. Unsurprisingly, in today’s environment the corporate MSM is more assiduous in studious avoidance of any mention of that event. Or any similar ones. But thanks to the internet and YouTube – so far – there is easy access to such sordid events and history. (more…)

Corporate MSM and the grab for Venezuela’s resources


The role of corporate media in promoting the conquest and submission of non-compliant nation-states has never been more evident. Indeed, they no longer see the need to feign adherence to any semblance of standards of journalism, especially in the case of a country rich in resources that considers its resources the patrimony of all its citizens. (more…)

Venezuela, now, like Puerto Rico, US colony?


Operation Condor, this time Condor 2.0 and in full flight?

Those continuing, mob-instigated violent confrontations in a Venezuela beset by a severe economic crisis have made a bad situation worse. Not only that, to confirm any lingering doubts comes an official US statement of intention to depose a democratically-elected sovereign government; and for impeccable timing that statement comes just a month or so after release of a report on the affair in Iran in 1953, and with a sundered and tragic Libya (strong language alert) still fresh in mind. (more…)

At the guarimbas, democracy blazes


Or where responsible journalism is again abandoned to promote an agenda, and where it becomes no more than full-throated propaganda to support ‘régime change’ – the overthrow of yet another ‘insubordinate’ sovereign nation-state, one with massive reserves of hydrocarbons. (more…)

26 July 1953


Those who remember the days of the Batista régime can still recall the sense of relief, elation at its overthrow, a totally corrupt, brutal régime that enjoyed total US support, with the Mafia of the US entrenched on the island, inflicting heaping doses of abuse and humiliation on its people. (more…)

Huffing, and puffing along tobacco road


As we journey we look for the wondrous benefits of sugar-sweetened beverages, junk food, and tobacco, and have as companion a question, ‘Why should they be allowed to, if it is…’ A country, still developing and lacking in resources and institutions, and with pressing social and economic issues to address. Worse, an impoverished country. (more…)

Wonder Woman?


Many should recall that the United Nations Organisation had selected as its inspiration, as role model for all women and girls a famous woman, a fictional woman, Wonder Woman. That cartoon character, half-naked, is ever decked out in a bikini made from a tiny US flag, and wearing tall black boots – and the UN officials saw no problem with that.

Fortunately protests would lead to the withdrawal of that offensive character – obviously nowhere in the whole wide world was there any woman, a living person who could serve as inspiration, as role model. Yet, throughout the year there has been ample evidence of the existence of such women – in this case, Latin America.

Which brings us to this recent post in TeleSUR, Indigenous Women Led Environmental Struggle in 2016. A brief introduction,

Women are leading the struggle in Latin America against environmental destruction as well as Indigenous rights, but they often face assassination, jail, threats and violence.

They not only fight against gender inequality, but also demand wider societal transformation of a patriarchal system that doesn’t work for them as women — even though it is working exactly how it’s supposed to.

These women are engaged in life-threatening struggles, yet their battles seldom attract the attention of the corporate Western media – and for obvious reasons. That UN officials should have overlooked such role models is something of an indictment of the corporate (and other) drift of that organisation. Yes, Wonder Woman.


El Salvador and its fight to life


But for the grace of, what, luck? Place of birth and station in life. Just imagine being transplanted to El Salvador, and as a peasant or indigenous who depends on water, from streams and rivers, for drinking, cooking, washing and other basic needs of life. And El Salvador is a very poor country, of which the World Bank is aware, since it collects and disseminates data on the country, and provides loans and technical assistance. (more…)

Saint Domingue ou Haïti – L’enfer?


Haiti, a cursed country? Une nation des damnés? Les damnés de la Terre? It surely seems so. But, its people, truly ‘resilient’?

As if liberating itself from France (to which it was compelled to pay ‘reparations’ until 1947 for its victory and freedom from slavery) were not costly enough, it would be victim to the forces of nature, hurricanes and earthquakes – and recently the United Nations (and its Nepalese soldiers), not to mention home-grown remarkably corrupt despots, courtesy its northern neighbour, who would do their ‘fair bit’ of pillaging, repression and murder. Haiti is a country with a poverty rate of some 60% and with its one percent as rich as the poorest 45% of the population. (more…)